Thursday 29 January 2009


my name is charlotte.
i've decided to start a blog because i need a place to express all my pointless ramblings & this seemed like a pretty good place to start.
so first, a little bit about me:
my birthday is the 4th of february, which isn't actually all that far away. i wasn't looking forward to it for a while, but i am now because, for the first time in ages, i'm genuinely happy with my life.
oh, i'm also an aquarius & i adorrre reading my horoscope - especially when it's freakishly true.
i have short brown curly hair which i used to hate, but now it's my favourite thing about myself.
i'm 3/4 scottish which i am extremely proud of.
my favourite band in the entire world is the kooks. to be honest, i'm a little bit obsessed with them. actually, i say "a little" but really i would quite like to stalk them.
i love art. basically, it's my favourite thing in the entire world.
my friends are truly amazing people. i love them all.
i may think of more things later.
goodbye for now.

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